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Grow internally

Right of Reply has recently completed some strategic acquisitions in order to continue verticalizing its structure, production, and services.
This acquisition strategy will continue to rapidly increase RoN’s technical capability, management team, customer base and innovative patented tools.



REPX is a reputation market place where celebrity reputations can be capitalised on and traded, while promoting digital identity and a fun, fair online dialogue.


RORKEY is a new and disruptive technology to manage users’ online reputations and securing their digital identities. Users are able to reply in a timely and relevant manner to content that mentions them. Responses are securely registered and certified by the ledger.

The Reputationist

A revolutionary online newspaper focused on people and their online reputations. A fair and truthful media platform where reader can access a complete press review of an individual, including their own responses to specific content.

Bss One

Romanian Software Company supporting RoN with programmers and customer service, while continuing to produce software and mobile applications for third parties.


The Italian leader in reputation management, helping companies monitor, analyse, manage and protect digital assets and reputations.
